Why Data Backup Solution is a necessity

In the modern world, Data is everything and it is present everywhere. It is essential to have a backup of your data. Cloud Backup becomes the only recovery solution at the time of a Cyberattack.

Backup is the procedure or the act of making copy/copies of your important data to be used in the event the original data is lost.

Ransomware is the greatest threat in this era of the internet, and an always available backup of your important data keeps you stress free even if an attack of such type were to happen on your organization.

Another major threat are the employees an organization, employees with malicious intent could delete important files which inturn could be a devastating loss for the company.

Therefore it is essential to have a Backup solution and an employee monitoring solution.

Best backup strategy is of 3-2-1 backup.

It means having atleast 3 copies of your data, Two on-site, on different devices and One off-site.

What about Data restore and Disaster Recovery?

It is very important that you properly restore the data from a backup at the time of a disaster, failure to do so may corrupt your data and could lead to drastic loss of time and resources.

Our Cloud Backup Solutions

D-Tech  is the poineer in providing Data Backup services in Surat. We work with technolgies that enable both on-site and off-site(cloud) backup and storage solution.

For on-site backup we provide NAS devices.

For off-site or Cloud backup, we work with multiple cloud providers like Microsoft Azure and Acronis to give you unlimited storage capacity and protect all your important data from bad actors on the internet.

We provide backup solutions for all types of data, whether it be on databases like SQL, SAP HANA, Oracle DB or Micrsoft Exchange Clusters.

We are Authorized Partner with both Microsoft and Acronis.

Our strategy for a succesful backup starts with aggregating the most important files and folders from the custmer and securely depositing them to the cloud.

So you can be sure that all your important data is safe and secure at all times.

We are the best Cloud Backup and Cloud Storage providers in Surat with 100% customer satisfaction.

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